Il Curriculum Vitae: Modello
Personal information Surname, name(s) Address: house number, street name, postcode, city, country Telephone Mail Nationality Date of birth: day, month, year Work experience Dates (from – to) Name and address of employer Type of sector Occupation and position held Main activities and responsibilities Education and training Dates (from – to) Name and type of organisation […]
Continua a leggere [+]Se vuoi redarre il tuo curriculum vitae in inglese questo piccolo vocabolario potrà esserti d’aiuto. Date of birth. Data di nascita Strategic thinker. Persona capace di pensare in maniera strategica. Strong creative flair. Grande capacità creativa. Business acumen. Mentalità portata agli affari. Successful consultant. Consulente di successo. Confident manager. Manager sicuro di sé. Ability […]
Continua a leggere [+]ALBERTO PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ Avda. Los Cedros, 18 2806 Madrid Telf. Móvil 679 30 52 46, e-mail OBJETIVO PROFESIONAL Entusiasmo por desarrollar mi carrera profesional en Marketing Internacional y/o Investigación de Mercados. Capacidad de comunicación, a nivel verbal y escrito. Facilidad para relacionarme con diferente tipo de personas. Consecución de los objetivos marcados a nivel […]
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